Dec 29, 2010

December in Pictures

Us on Christmas morning! (taken with our NEW camera!)

Hey, guys!
Sorry it's been so long since you've had an update from us. I just haven't had the time to post. So this  post will just have a bunch of pictures of what we've been up to lately.
Our nephew, Cannon, on Christmas morning.

Danny on Christmas morning!
Some of our Christmas loot.

Danny is still wearing his hat that he got from our British Christmas crackers.
Our cute stockings, courtesy of my mom. I love them! :)

Fun with Cannon-man!
At my work Christmas party on 12/9. Good food!
Our yummy goodie plates!
We had fudge, pumpkin rolls, cookie bars, lemon bread and dipped pretzels.
The finished product!
Us at the lights!
Whew! Now I feel like we're somewhat caught up. We had a great Christmas and we're hoping to have a great New Years! I will make it my resolution to blog more faithfully. :) We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and we wish you a Happy New Year!

Dec 3, 2010

Holiday Update!

Sorry it's been a while! We haven't really been up to a whole lot, so we haven't been updating. We will just fill you in on Thankgiving and our preparations for Christmas.

For Thanksgiving, we ate dinner with my family and spent most of the day there. We volunteered to try our hand at the stuffing because we wanted to make it from scratch. It had all sorts of yummy stuff in it, like butternut squash, onions, garlic, celery, cumin and cornbread stuffing. It turned out perfect! Here is what our creation looked like.

Everyone loved it and said it was a hit! Danny had the idea of putting it in the bundt pan. Good thinkin', babe! :)

We spent most of the rest of Thanksgiving break eating pie and leftovers and watching plenty of football. It was a much needed, relaxing weekend. 
Lately, we've been preparing for Christmas. We had most of our Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving so we didn't have to worry about too much shopping after Thanksgiving. We've put up our tree and wrapped our presents. Our tree is really small, but it fits perfectly into our small apartment. Here are some fun pictures! 
We are pretty excited for Christmas!

Speaking of Christmas gifts, we have to share our AWESOME story with Best Buy. So, the Saturday before Thanksgiving, we bought a Canon camera for ourselves for Christmas. We about it for $30 on sale and they told us that the prices were going to change the next day, so we didn't want to risk the price going up. Well, the next day in the Sunday ads, they lower the price another $20 AND included a free camera bag and SD card with the same camera we just bought. So we were kind of mad at ourselves for a bit, but then we called up Best Buy and explained the situation. They said we could come in and get the difference on our purchase. So we go in with the camera and our receipt, and we walk out of there with $20 cash and a free camera bag and SD card. We practically robbed the place! It was great! We love, love, love Best Buy!
Yay for Christmas! 

Nov 9, 2010

'If It Flies, It Dies'

Yes...that is now our family motto when it comes to hunting birds. Danny and I went home this past weekend so that Danny (and I) could go out with Brad to hunt for some pheasants and ducks. We headed out before the sun came up and got to see a really beautiful sunrise!

Well, the hunt was successful! They were able to get two mallards and a pheasant. The coolest part of the hunt was when we were just walking along the creek and a huge flock of mallards, at least 50 of them, flew over us, heading south. We stopped and watched them fly over us and circle around for a few minutes before landing. That was when our plans changed. Danny and Brad decided to quietly 'ambush' the ducks. We did get close to the ducks and they came flying up out of the trees. Both Danny and Brad shoot all 3 rounds at these ducks. When the smoke cleared (haha) and the ducks were gone, we found a drake and a hen mallard in the creek. It was pretty fun!

After a while, we decided to walk back to the truck, so we walked up the creek. Just as we were getting close, Brad scared up a pheasant. Brad was able to edge out Danny in getting the shot, but it was still pretty cool to see the pheasant fly up. Here are some pictures of our prizes!

Fun stuff! Danny also bought some duck decoys and a duck call for future duck outings...Danny's pretty excited to go hunting! Hopefully there will be more ducks in the months to come.

Here are just a few more things that we've been up to:
--Saw Seussical the Musical
--Celebrated our 6 month anniversary last night!
--We voted
--Went to an IFT conference in Salt Lake (it's a convention/meeting for Food Technologists so we went to get some networking for Danny; it was pretty cool!)

That's pretty much it for us...sorry we are kind of boring. Hopefully we will be more exciting this week. :)

Oct 25, 2010

Fall Break, Deer Hunt...the usual

Two weekend ago, it was Fall Break for USU, so Danny and I decided to head to Grantsvill/Lake Point to spend some quality time with family. I was able to take work off on that Friday and we decided to hike Deseret Peak that day. Oh man...I'm so out of shape! It was really rough, and I wasn't sure if I could make it, but we did! Here are some great pictures:
 Super fun!  (Nevermind the lack of make up)
We also saw the movie Secretariat with my family. It was the BEST movie! We all really enjoyed it! We recommend it to anyone who wants to see a good movie!

What else have we been up to?...Oh, we went to see this big band music show called 'In the Mood' for Danny's art class. I thought it was really cool and we both knew a few of the songs. We are going to go on a pumpkin walk tomorrow night (weather permitting) which is also for his class. Should be fun!

This past weekend was the opening day of the deer hunt! Danny, Kyle and Brad headed out to the mountains south of Evanston. They were out all day in the snow and cold and searched....and hunted...and got lost...but unfortunately, didn't see any bucks. They did see a spike about 2 seconds in, but they decided not to take it, with it only being 2 seconds into the hunt. It sounds like they had lots of fun, even if they were cold and tired. But they are still trying to get something; Kyle and Danny are out hunting right now, actually. We'll see if they get anything. I sure hope they do! :)

While Danny and Kyle were on their way hunting, I got to watch the Cannon-Man! We had a great time while Melissa was working hard. Here's just a fun picture of Cannon falling asleep during breakfast!
So cute! It was so fun to watch him, he is such a stud!

I'm also starting a couple of fun quilting projects, but I will post about those soon when I get something to show! Should be fun!

And finally, here are a couple of photos from our family pictures in Kamas. They turned out great!

Oct 8, 2010

Cake, Conference and Cabin

It's been a while since we've computer isn't doing good at uploading pictures and blogs aren't fun without pictures! :)
As most of you know, my birthday was this last week on Tuesday and it was a really fun day! It started off with Danny singing Happy Birthday to me, groggily, but beautifully. :) I then went to work and they surprised me by decorating my desk!

They also made me a cake and gave me lunch. It was a good day at work, surprisingly. :)
After work, Danny and I went up Logan Canyon to look at the pretty colors. We got to see some really beautiful things and stopped a couple of times to wander around. Danny was looking for some deer and moose...we didn't see any, but it would have been cool. 
After that, we went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. I mentioned that it was my birthday to the lady who was seating us, but our waiter didn't know, so luckily I didn't have to sit on the saddle thing, but we got a free appetizer. So yummy!
After that, we went to the Rodemack's for cake and ice cream! They graciously sang to me in the infamous Clayton way and it was something I won't soon forget. After their splendid performance, we had cake and it was super yummy! Thanks again, Kyle & Melissa & Cannon!

In case you were wondering, Danny bought me season 6 of The Office and we're excited to catch up to the current season. It's been so much fun to watch...thanks, babe! I also got many birthday wishes and other great gifts and I thank you all!

For Conference weekend, we went to the Clayton cabin in Kamas. It was a great opportunity for us to try out our new sleeping bags! We took family pictures on that Saturday between sessions and hopefully the pictures will turn out good. It was so much fun to spend time with family and to eat yummy food! Here are some funny pictures of Cannon, our nephew. He had all the ladies in the family fighting over him :)

And here are some more fun pictures of Danny and I. 

Sep 25, 2010

'Sink Me!'

Last night, Danny and I went to the Cache Regional Theatre production of 'The Scarlet Pimpernel'. Danny has to go to a certain number of these shows for his Art Symposium class (he assured me he wouldn't go if he didn't have to, haha). It was so much fun! The guy who played the Scarlet Pimpernel did a great job and was really funny! We had fairly good seats and really had a good time, even if the kids behind us were kicking my seat the whole time and the adults behind Danny were kicking his seat. It wasn't that bad...just annoying.
Also, a note on play attendance etiquette: Danny and I were both bothered about how many of the people came dressed to this thing. Sure, if it's a high school play, you could wear jeans and flip-flops. But this is a nice theater and it's way more professional than a high school production. So that was a little disappointing. Sorry if I offended anyone out there who doesn't see a problem with wearing jeans, flip-flops, tank tops, short short mini skirts or the like to a play like this. It's just good manners and etiquette and shows respect for the actors and orchestra. Thank you, I'll get off my soap box now.

Just as another exciting event, Danny and I nearly got hit 4 times yesterday, all in about a span of 10 minutes! It was insane, but we didn't ever get hit.  Here are our 4 scenarios:
1) We went down to this warehouse place that sells books (you can get a grocery bag full of books for just $7!) and after we were done, we were trying to turn left on the road in front of the Maceys up here. Danny started to go, and then out of nowhere, this car comes flying from our right as we turn left and they turn left so we almost get into a head-on there.
2) Then, Danny turns out and when we get in the lane, we look behind us and there's a car right there behind us! We had just looked and there was a gap and now this car behind us could have hit us.
3)Whew...then we went to Little Caesars for our weekly Friday Night Pizza. As we pull in, the parking lot is pretty full so we start looking for a spot while people are pulling in and pulling out. We go by this truck who's looking to back out and as we're passing him, he starts to back out and we haven't gotten out of his way and he hasn't seen us. So I'm watching this truck almost hit us and I say, 'What the heck? Don't hit us!' and Danny steps on it for a second to get out of the way. We definitely would have been hit if I hadn't been paying attention for our sakes and for the other guy.
4) Then, after we got our pizza, we get in the car and we start backing out. This car comes flying in the parking lot, sees that we are backing out and continues to fly behind us (doesn't even stop at all), even though we are backing out pretty quick, so Danny had to slam on the brakes.
It was a pretty intense 10 minutes. I swear, Logan drivers are so stupid! When I used to walk to work, drivers would almost hit me on daily basis. Luckily, I knew they wouldn't see me so I would have to stop for them, even though I had the right of way. It's pretty ridic.
Well, there was our Friday night! We survived. :)

Sep 20, 2010

Antelope, Peaches and Aggies...

Well, we actually have stuff to share! It seems like it's been while since we've really been up to stuff! Last Thursday, Danny and I went to the USU College of Agriculture Award & Scholarship Banquet. He was awared a scholarship from IMPA (Idaho Milk Processors Association, I think...) and we went to thank his donor and enjoy a yummy dinner! It was a lot of fun and it was another good reminder of how blessed we are...Thank you, Danny, for being so smart. :)
At the banquet (notice the roll in Danny's hand?)
This past weekend, we headed down to our hometown(s) to visit. Danny's dad drew out for an antelope tag so he invited Danny to go with him. After weeks of scouting and preparing, they headed out on the hunt early Saturday morning. They were only gone for a few hours before Mardee and I got a picture message with the prize! They seemed to have a good time and it was a successful hunt!

Good stuff! Well, the night before the big hunt, we went over to my parents house to can some yummy peaches! We ended up with 7 bottles of peaches and 10 little jars of peach jam. Super yummy peaches from Brigham City. I feel so good about myself that I learned something new. Thanks, Mom!

It was a really fun weekend! Also during the weekend, Danny and Brad went to Cabela's while Mardee and I went to Jordan Landing for a Girl's Night Out. It was a lot of fun!
Here's a picture of us a couple of weeks ago at the first USU football game.
Go Aggies!

Sep 10, 2010

Not Much From Us...

Well, I suppose I should post something, it's been a while! We haven't been up to too much...
This past weekend was pretty fun, though. Danny and I had decided to head down to our parents house for Labor Day weekend when BOTH sets of our parents decided to come up and visit us in Logan!
But before all of that, Danny had one of his mission companions (Elder Martineau) over for breakfast. It was a lot of fun to hear stories about Danny in his mission days. ;-)
After that, Danny and I headed to Brigham City to eat with his parents, Kristy and the Rodemacks for lunch at the Maddox (yummy!). Then we spent some time with my parents and siblings to celebrate the plethora of September birthdays (my dad, my brothers Ethan and Stuart, and me). We went to the park, the zoo and fed some ducks! We had cake and ice cream and it was a fun time to be had by all (I wish I had taken pictures, sorry).

We've also added a little extra touch to our apartment! Thanks to my mom, we now have drapes! Here are a couple of pictures:

I'm pretty excited about these drapes, they look great. Thanks, Mom!

We also bought some new sleeping bags! We got a pretty sweet deal at Al's Sporting Goods and hopefully we'll get to use them more. Here is Danny trying them out:

Funny, eh?

We also got to baby sit Cannon this past week, and that was super fun! I'll try to remember to take pictures...I know blogs aren't as fun without pictures. :)

Aug 29, 2010

Weekend Update!

Yesterday, Danny and I went with Kyle, Melissa and Cannon and their friends, Bill, Melissa and Olive down to Mantua Reservoir to go fishing! It was a windy day, but we still had lots of fun! Danny caught 2 blue gill and a 15" rainbow trout. The other guys had bites, but didn't get to reel in anything. I didn't have any luck whatsoever, but it was still fun. I got to play with my nephew, Cannon and gossip with the other girls for a bit. Here are some picture from our fun evening!
Cannon-man asleep on the way to Mantua.

Here's Danny with his first blue gill. You can't see it that well, but it's the larger object against the water background.

Isn't he the cutest?! (Did you the cute rag quilt, Mom?)

I know the sun is kind of blinding, but this is my favorite picture out of the 3 we tried. I just love his face! :)

I also started a new shift at my job so I now work from 7am-4pm, which is really quite nice! I feel like I have time to do other things now after work!

In other news, Danny and I start school tomorrow. Danny is working on his Bachelor's in Food Science and I'll be starting an online degree in Family Life Studies. Life will be pretty crazy, but it should be fun. Luckily, neither of us worked a whole lot so we were able to get a lot in financial aid, so we consider ourselves pretty blessed. Danny's pretty much getting paid to go to school with all of his scholarships, in addition to the grants (not to mention he actually works for Utah State). So we are pretty blessed and we aren't complaining! :)