Sep 10, 2010

Not Much From Us...

Well, I suppose I should post something, it's been a while! We haven't been up to too much...
This past weekend was pretty fun, though. Danny and I had decided to head down to our parents house for Labor Day weekend when BOTH sets of our parents decided to come up and visit us in Logan!
But before all of that, Danny had one of his mission companions (Elder Martineau) over for breakfast. It was a lot of fun to hear stories about Danny in his mission days. ;-)
After that, Danny and I headed to Brigham City to eat with his parents, Kristy and the Rodemacks for lunch at the Maddox (yummy!). Then we spent some time with my parents and siblings to celebrate the plethora of September birthdays (my dad, my brothers Ethan and Stuart, and me). We went to the park, the zoo and fed some ducks! We had cake and ice cream and it was a fun time to be had by all (I wish I had taken pictures, sorry).

We've also added a little extra touch to our apartment! Thanks to my mom, we now have drapes! Here are a couple of pictures:

I'm pretty excited about these drapes, they look great. Thanks, Mom!

We also bought some new sleeping bags! We got a pretty sweet deal at Al's Sporting Goods and hopefully we'll get to use them more. Here is Danny trying them out:

Funny, eh?

We also got to baby sit Cannon this past week, and that was super fun! I'll try to remember to take pictures...I know blogs aren't as fun without pictures. :)


  1. They look pretty good. I'm glad you like them. Danny looks very cozy and warm in that bag.

  2. The drapes are "peeping toms" will invade your privacy now! :) Sounds like you guys need a chance to use those new sleeping bags....bring them to the cabin in a couple of weeks and see just how warm they are! :) You're doing a great job Vanessa keeping us posted on what you and Danny have been up to. Keep up the good work! :)
