Jul 18, 2012

Summer 2012...so far

Whew! Sorry I haven't posted in a long while. School and work have really taken over! 

Since my last post about spring break:

- Danny graduated from USU with his Bachelor's degree (Magna Cum Laude!)
Doesn't he look so cute? :)

Danny w/his sister, Melissa, who also graduated.

- Danny has started his Master's program in Dairy Chemistry (free cheese for us!)
- We ran a 5k on the 4th of July
At the parade with my adorable nephew! 

At the parade, post-race. Danny ran it in 29:30, I ran it in 32:30.

- Danny went to Las Vegas to an IFT Conference (IFT: Institute of Food Technologists)
- We went to the Cache Valley Cruise-In

The Cruise-In is when people basically drive their nice, old cars up and down main street. There's also a car show and carnival, too.

- Vanessa has been busy with work and school (12 credits this summer!)
-Danny was called as our ward Sunday School President

As you can see, we've been really busy this summer! We haven't spent a lot of time camping, fishing, or spending too much time outside, which is a bummer because we really like being outdoors. We do have some fun things planned for the rest of the summer, including a trip to Sun Valley, ID for a food product development competition and a camping trip with extended family in Heber Valley.
 I hope that I can do better at updating the blog!!


  1. Being busy is part of a fun summer! You guys are doing so many good things with school and work. You will have so many school free and work free summers coming so soon!

  2. Love the update...FUN TIMES! Hey, and you can't beat free cheese! ;) WOW...12 credits in the summer Vanessa...good for you! Can't wait for the Heber Valley camping trip! :)
