Feb 19, 2011

In Other News...

We haven't really been up to a lot, but here's a quick recap:

*Danny had an interview at Malt-O-Meal in Tremonton this past week for their summer internship. We are really hoping he gets this because it's a full-time, paid internship, PLUS they give their employees free cereal! This is the internship he really wants to get. He won't find out about it for another couple of weeks, but we will keep you posted!
*School has been occupying most of our time. It's just the same-old stuff. Danny did really well on 2 of his test this past week (top of the class in one!). 
*We went to the Clayton house in Grantsville for the Super Bowl a couple of weeks ago and the Packers won!! It was a great game and the food was amazing!
*We went to the USU basketball game last Saturday night and it was a lot of fun! This past Wednesday, USU played some team from Montana, but during half time, one of the USU players smashed the backboard during warm-ups. Then, they replaced the backboard and it smashed again! So they had to bring out a roll-away basket and put the shot clock on on tables by the hoop. We didn't go to the game, but we heard it was pretty entertaining.

Other than that, we've been pretty involved with school and work. Spring Break is coming soon and we're excited about that! :)

**Please keep reading! There are 2 more posts!!**


  1. I'm really praying that Danny gets the internship too! Danny you always seems to get what what you go after....hope this is no different...you're the best man for the job(certainly the best grades)...and FREE cereal?? you just gotta Danny! :) Keep up the school work guys, I'm proud of you two! Yeah spring break! :)

  2. Congratulations Danny on getting the internship..I never doubted you!
