Feb 25, 2011


I just wanted to make a short post to announce that Danny got the internship at Malt-O-Meal that we were hoping for! This is a great opportunity for him and we are really excited. I'm particularly excited about the free cereal, but even without that, it's such a blessing! 

Feb 19, 2011

In Other News...

We haven't really been up to a lot, but here's a quick recap:

*Danny had an interview at Malt-O-Meal in Tremonton this past week for their summer internship. We are really hoping he gets this because it's a full-time, paid internship, PLUS they give their employees free cereal! This is the internship he really wants to get. He won't find out about it for another couple of weeks, but we will keep you posted!
*School has been occupying most of our time. It's just the same-old stuff. Danny did really well on 2 of his test this past week (top of the class in one!). 
*We went to the Clayton house in Grantsville for the Super Bowl a couple of weeks ago and the Packers won!! It was a great game and the food was amazing!
*We went to the USU basketball game last Saturday night and it was a lot of fun! This past Wednesday, USU played some team from Montana, but during half time, one of the USU players smashed the backboard during warm-ups. Then, they replaced the backboard and it smashed again! So they had to bring out a roll-away basket and put the shot clock on on tables by the hoop. We didn't go to the game, but we heard it was pretty entertaining.

Other than that, we've been pretty involved with school and work. Spring Break is coming soon and we're excited about that! :)

**Please keep reading! There are 2 more posts!!**

Valentine's Day

Our Valentine's Day this year lasted most of the weekend, actually. On Saturday, we exchanged some gifts and Danny got me flowers. I got him a new pillow (he's pretty picky about his pillows...) and a head massager. He got me a new pot for my plant (which he got me last year) and a new decoration. 

On Sunday, I made some Red Velvet Cupcakes. They turned out pretty good!

I made a bunch, so I took them to work and they liked it, too!
Call us crazy, but we went out to eat on Valentines night. I had made us reservations at Cafe Sabor for 6 (Danny thinks that's when old people eat...there's a story about that later). We had a gift card there because at my job, each month I have a performance review and I get 'points' every month based on that. You can then convert those points into gift cards and stuff, so that was nice. While we were eating, this older lady comes in with a worker at the restaurant to the general area to where we are sitting, within earshot. I guess she hadn't made a reservation (really?! It's Valentine's Day!) and she informed the worker that there was going to be like 30 old people there in like 10 minutes. They were like scrambling to get chairs and tables together for these old people. We were in the corner booth of this area and as they were moving tables around, she pointed at our table and said, 'Are they going to be finished soon? We will need their table.' Yeah, she pointed at us and I was looking right at her when she said it! We hadn't even gotten our entrees yet, but when we did, we made sure to eat super slow and take our time paying, even as a flock of old people came in. She kept looking over at us and stuff, but I wasn't going to go any faster. It was still a good meal, but I just couldn't believe she hadn't made a reservation! 
Overall, it was a great Valentine's! :)

February Block

Here is my calendar block for February! 

Right now, I'm working on a baby quilt for my team lead at work and it's almost done! I will post pictures when I'm done.